My name is Maggie and I love lots of things in this world. My mom says I love food the most, but I'm not sure that's true. I mean, I do love me some food, and some treats, and pretty much anything I could possibly eat. But, I have another love that might take first place even over those things and that is SQUIRRELS!
When mom or dad lets me outside with my sister, the first thing we do is run to the trees and look up, just in case one of the little beasts is waiting there, unsuspecting. I almost caught one one day. I was outside playing with my little sister, running around the dog house, doing our usual thing, when all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw, her...well, whatever it was. I took a sniff of the air, just to make sure it was the real thing and sure enough it was sitting in the grass about 10 paw lengths away from me, digging for one of those things it likes to eat, I guess. Anyway, I told Marlee (that's my little sister) to stay very quiet and still while I sneaked up on it. She did what she was told, and I started my stealthy attack. Slowly, one paw at a time, I crouched low to the ground like I've seen the cats on Animal Planet do before they pounce. I could taste the furry goodness and I was almost there when...
my lame little sister decided she couldn't handle the pressure and came barreling out ahead of me, scaring the delicious morsel up a tree and across the high wire, out of my reach. That was it! I had had it with her antics...she's always screwing everything up and getting me into trouble. She's skinny and I'm, well, I'm not, so she usually can outrun me, but not this time. I know her favorite route to escape; around the dog house, through the yard, and around the big storage shed where my dad keeps that loud thing that makes the grass go away and smell funny. So, instead of chasing her, I doubled back and waited for her to come around the bend.
When she turned the corner, there I was, ready to pounce. And boy, did I!! She didn't know what hit her. I must admit, she's a rascally little thing. She managed to slip out of my grip after a couple of bites to the neck and took off again, headed for the dog house once more. I ran as fast as my little sausage legs would take me, on her heels the whole time. As I turned the corner around the dog house, I could smell her just a few spaces away from me. I reached out a mouth as I took the next step when, "CRACK," and down I went.
I whined and whimpered, but mom and dad weren't home and so I had to wait. When they did get home and mom came to let us in the house, I guess she noticed I wasn't walking right, so she started doing the thing I hate most...messing with my paws! Even when they aren't hurting, I hate it when people touch my toes! Ew! I especially hate it when the lady who gives us a haircut does it. It's bad enough to have to get all wet, but then she starts putting her hands in places she has no business. Sheesh!
So, I heard my mom tell my dad she thought I had a sticker in my foot. She searched and searched and if I could use the words they do, I would have told her it wasn't a sticker. I would have told her it was broken. But I couldn't. So, about two days later, she took me to the lady she calls vet. I love her! She's the nicest human, besides my mom and dad, of course. She always gives me hugs and talks to me with the sweetest voice. She loves me and she never calls me fat...she says I'm happy and plump! I love visiting her and staying with the other dogs when mom and dad go out of town for the weekend. Marlee and I have a blast and I don't even mind the bath before we go home!
Anyway, vet said I had a broken toe after she took pictures on a big scary machine. The funny thing is, my little sister had a broken toe just a few weeks before. So, now mom is wondering just what in the world we do in the backyard while they are at work. If only she knew! Ha!
My toe is much better now, but I hope I never break it again!
I guess that's what I get for chasing squirrels and trying to beat up my little sister!
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